Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
> > ul a, ul, li, #content_home {height: 1%;} /* Holly hack fix for IE
> > bugs */
> That is a bit radical... giving all those element 'layout' can
> possibly cause more problems than it fixes.
> In this case:
> /* - hide form IE Mac - \*/
> * html #content_contain {height:1%}
> /* - end hiding - */
> ought to do nicely.
> (and served only to IE 6 and below. That 3px jog thing is reportedly
> fixed in IE 7 alpha0).

Your right Philippe it is radical, I added to styles within IE conditional
comments that already existed. 

Philippe has a point about IE7, currently your conditional comments target
all versions of IE and should only need IE6 and below: <!--[if lte IE 6]>


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