Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:
> I made all of the suggested changes to the GrayBit [1]
> page/application -- downgrading to XHTML 1.0 Strict and correcting
> the font-size issue for IE (bugs passed along and added to the bug
> list) and I thank you for this. However, since I didn't hear from
> that many of you, I figured I'd continue this on one more time to
> solicit responses.

> Does an anyone have any additional feedback, good, bad, or otherwise?

Hi Mike,
I see two problems in IE 6:
- the main content jumps when the user hovers over the text box or over the
links in the footer
- the border of the text box decreases when the user hovers over it

I believe the padding value (in %) creates the first problem.
For the text box, my "theory" is that IE ignores the "button" class below
and wrongly uses this rule to style the text box hence the drop of 2px
(border top and bottom: 2px instead of 3px):
input.button.hover {blahblah} /* is read by IE as input.hover {} */

As a side note, since you have only one text box in there you can drop the
class and go for the element itself.

Nice tool, it doesn't do anything to my own site though ;)

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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