On 3/16/06, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello,
> i just went to a lot of  trouble style a form, fieldsets, legends and all.
> The visual studio programmer whos taking over the next phase says it will be
> coverted into tables.
> "we can't control database content all we can do is contain it"

This could be translated

- Visual Studio .NET is doing the whole thing for me and I don't have
time / don't know how to change it.

in which case you would be asking him to learn something he doesn't
know and/or do more work.

Or it could be translated

- I really don't know how to modify it even if I went into the code.

in which case you might be challenging his level of knowledge.

> that was his argument.  why cant he contain it with css.
> can somebody help me educate him?

It depends. I don't mean to scare you but sometimes people don't
respond well to this stuff. Does he usually respond well to
advice/criticism? Is he interested in learning better ways of doing
things? More importantly, the first thing to find out is whether or
not he is using the WYSIWYG view. If so then he probably really
doesn't know how to do this and he might not be open to learning.
Otherwise it might just be as simple as asking him to go into code
view and write custom forms.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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