At the risk of taking this completely OT, I might ask those of you who
are incredulous of the use of the enter key to move between fields to
take a look at the number keypad way over on the right hand side of a
full-sized keyboard.  Notice the "enter" key there?

Imagine yourself keying in numbers all day and ask yourself if the tab
key (at the exact opposite end of the keyboard) or the enter key (merely
a pinky finger away) is the most efficient way to move between fields...
Finally, imagine flipping through the pile of data to enter with your
left hand, keying with your right hand, and you have your answer: a very
efficient (albeit stunningly boring) way to work.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Roper
Subject: Re: [WSG] Use of Enter key to naviagte between form fields

As Chris points out, the use of the Enter key is quite common in 
data-centric applications (which this is) and the users are used to 
using the Enter key for that purpose.

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