
Unobtrusive javascript doesn't just mean separation of the script from the markup, it is also the use of javascript that doesn't break the page when scripting is disabled.

Further thoughts on this statement:

Leaving aside the copyright bit, I'm not so sure it is necessary to cater 100% to those without js as long as they are not being denied the primary content.

An example: I am working on a script that generates a random quote in the right column of a page. If js is turned off nothing will show.

However, that quote is not essential to the content of the site, it is just a bit of eye candy that the user with js turned off will not see and I don't see any reason to jump through hoops to try and give the non-js person something to see in its place.

I am, however, trying to get away from js that does affect the primary content if turned off.

It's like printing a book with a copyright notice that shows up only in artificial light but is invisible in daylight.

To use your book example: desiging a site is like laying out a book according to a certian look and feel if published as designed, but having to take into consideration the fact that the possibility exists that it will be published with different fonts-at different sizes, no images, different "page" sizes, browser "bugs" etc., etc., etc. At some point we either draw some lines (often due to budget, client requests) or just publish "plain text" web pages.

I have recently started trying to create the "perfect" template to use as a starting point for future web sites.

I have been reading all the various arguments regarding font sizes, html vs xhtml served as text/html, etc., etc. only to discover that many of the "gurus" are now reversing themselves on what is "right" or ignoring some very strong and convincing arguments (backed up by examples) as to why their "method" is not "the" method to follow.

It is a frustrating experience and in the end I'll probably just have to draw my own conclusions, as well as, lines.


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