David Pietersen wrote:
Sorry if this has already come up... but have you seen these?
http://www.lenef.com/dotleader/ http://home.tampabay.rr.com/bmerkey/examples/dot-leaders.html

I would suggest that the last one was an example of *table* of contents.

John Faulds said:
"I tend to think of tabular data as that which, if you were to pull one row out at random and without reference to the column headings, it wouldn't make a lot of sense."

I think we can say that Thierry Koblentz's example is good, because we are assuming we know what the column headings are.

Thierry Koblentz's example:

    President..................................John Smith
    Vice-president.........................Janet Jones

I assume that this is a list of positions and their office holders for a 
particular organisation.

But it could be a list of members of an executives association with their 
positions listed.

It could be a list of people vying for particular positions within an 
organisation eg.:

    President..................................John Smith

    President..................................Joe Smith

So perhaps John Fauld's requirement of headers is a good one!:)

I am going for tabulated data because this data is requiring a right tab, 
though most data we talk about usually requires a left tab, though you could 
make a strong case for a definition list.


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