Hi all

I used to think that modularizing css was a grand idea. It certainly makes
it easier to maintain your code.

At Yahoo!, we have a huge responsibility to reduce our server demands and
make pages load as fast as possible. We have found that it is actually
better to have one enormous css file than 5 or 6. It requires fewer http
requests and you can't count on the user having a cached version on their

So, if you are building a site that gets moderate to low traffic, go for the
multiple css files and import or link. If you are building a site that will
get significant traffic and your server load is important, you should
consider consolidation.

One other thing about imports; IE6 will get buggy if you only use imports.
You should have one css or js link to avoid problems.

Yahoo! Tech
(Now hiring! Looking for someone that knows CSS, JS, Standards,
accessibility, php, xml...  Send a resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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