On 11/04/2007, at 9:41 AM, Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

Web Accessibility Network for Australian Universities ...


They are proposing running their annual forum on Accessibility in online teaching at UQ where I work, and we’ve been asked to help ... :)

I expect I will be involved anyway, but would be interested in any feedback!

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Don't be conned Susie,

Who are this group, what have they done in previous forums since 2004.
Where was it held last year? Who attended last year?

I bet they are selling training courses, seen in links to a business case on the W3C site.. Funny that they are from RMIT yet there is no action at their own University. Multiple page errors. Fix your own Uni pages first.

They do have a few different stylesheets, but the changes between them are minor colour changes. I thought Dey Alexander was working with Vision Australia who to me seem to accept low government standards to get training contracts from AGIMO.

Following Maquire v Sydney Olympics, who does any legal advocation for the blind apart from myself? This group may want to sell you training contracts. http://www.hereticpress.com/Dogstar/Publishing/AustWeb.html#visaust

Bloody hell I work hard on testing Australian sites including Universities who should know better, what is WANAU, what have they done. With a few dollars funding I could review all Australian Universities and have a reference page showing those who fail and why, what else do you need, fund me to complete a review of University webpages and forget the talkfest.

Australian sites are in a bad way, few Universities know what accessibility is.
ANU fails
RMIT fails
Sydney Fail
Swinburne fails

I have done dozens reviews of Australian government websites and advocated a legal position to HREOC. what has WANAU done apart from make a few webpages?

Yours Faithfully

Tim Anderson
The Editor
Heretic Press

The Editor
Heretic Press

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