> Karl wrote:

> > When I have implemented these news-ticker-like 'widgets', I have made
> > sure that at the very least, the content I am using within the widget
> > is readable by a screen reader. This can be done by putting xhtml into
> > a div, and placing it off screen (to the left with negative em). On
> > instantiation of the 'widget', it sources its "news" from the hidden
> > content div, or simply uses the div itself by un-hiding it.

> > The content xhtml is usually an unordered list of "news items". This
> > borrows from the technique used with drop-down menus and the like...

> > The other major problem though, and something this alone won't
> > resolve, is the issue of a client being 'javascript-less'. There are a
> > few options here though, for instance, the <noscript> tag could be
> > employed to deliver alternative content to those users. This might be
> > a partial representation of the "news items" or a link to a page
> > containing all the news in full.

Thanks for that karl, I have thought about using object detection for the
javascript-less and using <noscript> for the alternative, but your
suggestion for the off screen div I think is a great idea. 

On 5/3/07, Richard McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin wrote:
> > I have been asked by a client for an area on his website that will have
> > scrolling text or images or both and also a devolving and resolving
> > image panel.
> >
> > I have advised against this as moving things on pages constantly annoy
> > as well as the inaccessibility issues that using scripts bring.
> > So my question is does anyone know of any application or any way that i
> > can do this in a way that will make the least amount of compromises to
> > accessibility and degrade nicely if either active x or javaScript or
> > what ever else might be used to create these transitions are not
> > An example of what the client is looking for is.
> > http://investhawkesbay.com/  YUKKKK.
> Could you not build the flappy about stuff in flash and use an
> adaptation of the flash satay method to replace the core information in
> standard images and text, that way the information will still be
> accessible to spiders and other non visual readers without the need for
> scripting jiggery pokery.
> Rich
> --
> PORTFOLIO ~ http://www.mccoy.co.uk
> PHOTOGRAPHY ~ http://www.littlehellos.com
> CV ~ http://www.webfellowforhire.com
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