On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:36:17 -0400, Kepler Gelotte wrote:
> 1) put a border around the problem area and surrounding or enclosing blocks 
> using
> “border: solid red 1px;”

But be aware that a border can alter the layout. (By "trapping" margins
that normally "escape" for example.)

My preference is to add colored backgrounds to the main blocks.
#content {background: #ccf;}
#header {background: #fcf;}
#sidebar {background: #ffc;}
I put these at the end of the main style sheet where I can delete
them easily when done.

Of course, this is just for IE, which I test last. When developing
the layout I find Firebug invaluable. It is the only tool I know that
shows you where the margins are. (Negative margins excepted.)


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