On Sat, 19 May 2007 11:18:04 +0100, Designer wrote:
> On 18/05/07, Stephen Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I find this invaluable,
>>> http://www.webdevout.net/css-hacks
> The most valuable part (for me) was introducing me to 'outline' instead of 
> border. I
> confess, I'd never come across it before. I've had a quick play and it does 
> validate
> OK. The interesting thing (I think, anyway) is that whereas border applies an 
> extra
> width/height, outline does not. This can be useful sometimes, esp when 
> testing [ as in *
> {outline : red dashed thin}, for example].
> The big question of course, is whether there is anything undesirable about 
> the use of
> 'outline'?

While "border" affects layout, adding to size and "trapping" margins,
for example, AFAIK "outline" does not, acting in a similar manner to

As you noted, this is valuable when testing. As you also say, not
for IE, where I resort to background-color instead.

Incidentally, have you tried Firebug? It's the only thing I know
that indicates where your margins are (and lets you change them


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