On Tue, 22 May 2007 11:19:46 pm Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> Parker, Simi (DPS) wrote:
> > I am investigating some potential issues with our live broadcasting
> > service and if you use an O/S / browser / media player configuration
> > other than Windows / Internet Explorer / Windows Media player, I would
> > really appreciate your feedback and/or assistance. I would particularly
> > welcome feedback from Macintosh and Linux users.
> Unsurprisingly, I get a black screen with '(no video)' message in
> the popup on SuSE 10 Linux/Firefox; Konqueror gives me an alert:
>    No plugin found for 'Microsoft Media'.
>    Do you want to download one from www.microsoft.com?
> Total no-go.
> HTH!

I get nothing displayed but the file name starting to downlaod/stream in the 
MPlayer plugin for Firefox This is using Ubuntu 7.04 with the 
w32codec package installed, so the file format is the problem on Linux.


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