At 5/25/2007 03:10 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:
I hate to make a quick reply to a long post, but not all designers set
body font size to 62.5% when creating websites. It's enough to start
at 100% and set nested containers to fractions of that... just do the
math starting off from 16px. The point that Felix is making is that
setting the body to something small like 62.5% is very destructive,
since user stylesheets and user settings usually just override the
body rule (and ruin all your specific rules).

"ruin"? Wouldn't it just make everything larger if they overrode the stylesheet with, say, body {font-size: 100%}?

I guess it will depend on which aspects of the layout are widthed in ems, but for most pages I'd think it would just start you out at a larger degree of [text and/or layout] magnification.

(The past tense of the verb "to width" I just coined is so difficult to pronounce I just had to use it.)



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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