Nick Fitzsimons wrote:

While I agree that use of lists, tables or definition lists is mere abuse, a fieldset is for grouping "thematically related controls and labels":

So a hypothetical (semantic!) form could/should look something like this (I'm sure there are at least a million things wrong with my example - pretend those errors aren't there):

<form action="" method="">
   <fieldset><legend>The legend for the form</legend>

<fieldset><label for="name">You Name</label><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></fieldset> <fieldset><label for="poet">Favourite poet</label><input type="text" id="poet" name="poet"></fieldset> <fieldset><label for="dinosaur">Favourite dinsaur</label><input type="text" name="dinosaur" id="dinosaur"></fieldset>


My point being that fieldset could be used to wrap label and input pairs?

I always thought you had to have a group of controls (more than one input field).

I note that in Mike's example, he using a <br /> in order to achieve a block-level style visual. Surely that should be avoidable?

If the fieldset to contain label/input pairs is true, it would be exciting because it would mean that the form would look reasonable in vanilla and could maintain semantics.


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