24 maj 2007 kl. 01.22 skrev Douglas Reith:

Just a quick one - what do people most commonly mock up web site designs in? (Photoshop?)

Hi Douglas,

I've just scanned this thread and agree about Photoshop, Fireworks (which is very handy when creating designed flows by the help of the Frames). But I see that no one have mentioned Axure. It is the best application (Windows, requiring .NET 2) I've worked with when the need is to model interactions and form based web applications. It is indeed not a "pixel design tool" but has its clear benefits when your need to rapid prototype.

Give it a try and I think you will like it. Demo at http:// www.axure.com/demo.aspx
30-days free trial: http://www.axure.com/downloads.aspx


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