On 29 May 2007, at 14:55, Andrew Maben wrote:

On May 29, 2007, at 9:26 AM, David Dorward wrote:
Because, in an HTML document, an XHTML style img tag unambiguously means "An image element followed by a greater than sign".

Sorry to be dense, I'm trying to grasp this concept. Does (at least strictly speaking) the inclusion of a forward slash within the tag of any element prevent the tag in question from being terminated?

No. A forward slash terminates the tag (so the > character is outside the tag, so its character data).

In HTML all these mean the same thing:

<img />

(and <title/ foo / means the same as <title> foo </title>)

... because most browsers don't support <img /> correctly in HTML documents

How is <img /> (or presumably <br />) correctly supported? And which browsers do correctly support it?

An image (or line break) followed by a > character. So Hello<br / >World should be rendered:


(in HTML).

The only browser I know of, off the top of my head, that gets it right is W3 (and as mentioned, I believe it was intentionally crippled to cope with fallout from Appendix C). Of course nsgmls and related programs also get it right.

David Dorward

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