Karl Lurman wrote:
> In fact, it will
> be just like Windows application programming - man how boring!
Apart from it all being magically accessible and standards compliant,
your post more or less described how ASP.Net works now.  It's great
because it lets desktop developers with no front end web skills produces
apps quickly, but it's horrible because it lets desktop developers with
no front end web skills produce apps quickly.  I saw an advert in a
developer magazine this week about a custom control for .Net in which
there was a (perhaps fictional) quote from a developer - "Control X is
great because it means I can stop worrying about the UI and concentrate
on the business logic."  The fact that ASP.Net developers apparently
find this sentiment of abdicating responsibility for the UI beguiling is
what worries me about the whole 'user interfaces designed by IDEs' concept.

I've often seen the attitude among people that consider themselves
'real' developers (ie. back end types) that front end stuff is easy and
a task for junior developers, and those same people are happy to have
their framework spit out crappy markup because it's 'only the UI'.  But
crappy code at the front end is IMO just as bad as crappy code at the
back end, and perhaps more focus on 'front end web development' as a
speciality in it's own right would perhaps help correct some of these


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