On Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:36:38 -0300, SosCpdGMail wrote:
> Hello Ted
> There is, somewhere, a reference or tutorial of how can we read and learn 
> about the
> structural way and css? I have look around many and many approaches to this 
> subject, in
> many and many different ways like books, googling and sources. Its hard to 
> pick one.
> Any of them always have a catch, and it is much more difficult if you write 
> code from
> interpreted scripts like I do.
Hi Rafael,
Well, I'd say that the rules for writing structural (X)HTML are the
same as those for writing formal documents of any kind. I imagine
any text that teaches such writing skills would do.

I don't think this is a matter of HTML skills, but one of how a
document is put together. I don't know, but I imagine this would
be much the same in any language, at least as far as writing for
the global marketplace is concerned.

The use of headings, lists, paragraphs, quotations, and so on
are a matter of writing style, rather than code. For me, having
an unstyled HTML page "make sense" as a document I would write
using any word processor for submission to any group of peers
is where I usually start. The "decoration" (CSS) comes later, I think.


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