If I understand what you are asking, try using line-height instead of what you are doing now. That will keep the text centered vertically in the element.


E. Michael Brandt

divaGPS : you-are-here menu highlighting
divaFAQ : FAQ pages with pizazz

JustSo PictureWindow
JustSo PhotoAlbum


Christian Fagan wrote:
Hi all,

I have previously tried to create a horizontal page navigation with a fixed height but there seems to be two distinct problems with the two methods that I have used to date.

1) The first method employs top and bottom padding on <a> elements to vertically centre the text within the anchor box. This method works fine, until the text is re-sized. 2) The second method involves declaring a height for the <a> element but then the text is top aligned vertically (looks ugly).

I have also tried declaring top padding combined with a height value to lessen the text resize issue but I would like to hear from anyone who knows a way to align text vertically, as well as assign a set height to elements (particularly <a> elements in a horizontal nav structure).


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