Thanks Mike,

These are nice solutions but unfortunately i'm limited to what i can do on
the server level as we have a site that is built into a large CMS as we are
a medical facility.  So i'm stuck with only solutions at the client side of
things for now.


On 8/2/07, Mike at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ryan Moore wrote:
> > I'm looking for a Stylesheet Switcher Script
> > that users can use to dynamically change
> > text sizes on the fly.
> Hello Ryan,
> One might argue that offering a style changer solely to increase font size
> is something to reconsider, and I would agree, but then again, there's no
> real "harm" in doing this.
> Here are two PHP scripts that you are welcome to use.
> 1) PHP Font Sizer: This lightweight script is a straight-up font sizer
> offer
> the user 4 values (default settings are 100%, 120%, 140%, 160%). This
> script
> requires the user accepts cookies and it doesn't check for this unlike the
> next option. This script was made in July of 2006 and could probably be
> tweaked, but that's always the case.
> 2) PHP Style Changer: This "smart" script first tests to see if the user
> accepts cookies. If they do accept cookies then the script user interface
> (simple text link) will be available to them. If they don't allow cookies
> they can get a message saying a script is available to them if they decide
> to change that settings, or, better yet, just don't offer the feature they
> can't use. Just make sure the text size is adequate upon landing. This
> script is optimized for two style sheets, but it can be extended with a
> little effort. This script was made in Sept of 2006 and could probably be
> tweaked, but that's always the case.
> The advantage to these is that they are both server-side scripts so they
> don't require that the user have JavaScript enabled in addition to
> cookies.
> Hope this is useful to you.
> Cheers.
> Mike Cherim
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