Hello All -

After tearing my hair out for over 4 hours I come to you guys/gals for a
fresh eye and perhaps a solution.

I've got a simple class name (.active) attached to an "a" tag. This class is
programmatically activated when a link is chosen and the page loads.

When the chosen page loads, the chosen link turns deep red.

The declaration for this is as follows:

ul#navTopSimpleUL li a.active
        color: #CC0033;
        cursor: default;
        text-decoration: none;

A similar declaration is in force for the side AND footer navigation.

In FF it works as required/expected. But, even though the HTML and CSS
validates, this small but important functionality doesn't work in IE 6.

If you look at the testing site in FF (www.koisis.com/.problems/index.php)
this works as required and expected.

If you then view the same page in IE 6 however, the .active class doesn't
work at all - I haven't begun to test in IE7 yet and I can't figure out a
work-around for IE 6..

If you'd like to view the css that controls the navigation rules, it's named

Can someone(s) please take a look at this for me and tell me where I'm going
wrong, or what alteration(s) I can make to trigger this class in IE?

Great appreciation and thanks to all in advance!


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