On 2007/08/04 17:59 (GMT+0100) Nick Fitzsimons apparently typed:

> On 4 Aug 2007, at 17:08:37, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

>> Just to check since there may also be another, so far pretty  
>> undocumented, variable at play here:
>> - does anyone know if this 'minimum font size' value changes/differs
>> with screen-DPI in Opera?

>> It is a bit problematic if a browser has undocumented
>> defaults/behaviors, as we cannot test based on knowledge then and the
>> guessing game is no fun.

>> On the other hand: such deviations shouldn't create any real  
>> problems if
>> the methods we use take the potential variables into account, and
>> browser-options aren't bugs designers should try to counter.

> On the standard 96dpi XP Pro, Opera has configured itself with:

> default font size 16px
> minimum font size 9px.

> Another Parallels virtual machine later: XP Pro SP2, never been used  
> except for first boot, set to 120dpi, reboot to apply settings,  
> install Opera 9.22. Result:

> default font size 20px   <--------- AHAH!

An obvious attempt to match IE, which though still 12pt, at 120 DPI is 20px
rather than 96 DPI's 16px.

> minimum font size 9px.

DPI has virtually no effect on Opera under the Linux sample environments
I tried with initially void ~/.opera directories:
Opera 9.22 SUSE Linux                  Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Firefox
Desktop                                 KDE   KDE   KDE   KDE   KDE
horizontal                              1024  1280  1400  1600  1600    all
vertical                                 768   960  1050  1200  1200    all
DPI                                       84    96   108   120   120    all
XFT.dpi                                  -     -     -     -     144    all
Type                   Font            Size  Size  Size  Size  Size  Size
email compose          Courier New        12    12    12    12    12
email display          Courier New        13    13    13    13    13
browser menus          Arial              12    12    14    15    15 CSS Menu
browser toolbars       Arial              12    12    14    15    15 CSS Menu
browser dialogs        Arial              12    12    14    15    15 CSS Menu
browser panels         Arial              12    12    14    15    15 CSS Menu
web page normal text   Times New Roman    16    16    16    16    16      16
web page PRE           Courier New        16    16    16    16    16
text field multi line  Courier New        12    12    12    12    12
text field single line Arial              12    12    12    12    12
form buttons           Arial              12    12    12    12    12
font family serif      Times New Roman   -     -     -     -     -
font family sans-serif Arial             -     -     -     -     -
font family cursive    Impact            -     -     -     -     -
font family fantasy    Comic Sans MS     -     -     -     -     -
font family monospace  Courier New       -     -     -     -     -        12
web page <H1>          Times New Roman    32    32    32    32    32
web page <H2>          Times New Roman    24    24    24    24    24
web page <H3>          Times New Roman    18    18    18    18    18
web page <H4>          Times New Roman    16    16    16    16    16
web page <H5>          Times New Roman    13    13    13    13    13
web page <H5>          Times New Roman    12    12    12    12    12
minimum                                  9px   9px   9px   9px   9px    none
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/

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