Anybody know if there is a way for this.

A 3 column layout used the display table equal height technique

#outer {display:table}
#inner {display:table-row}
#left, #middle, #right {display:table-cell}

and the logo with floated left is placed outside the above divs.

<img src="logo.gif" id="logo">
<div id="outer">
        <div id="inner">
        <div id="left"> content left </div>
        <div id="middle">       content middle </div>
        <div id="right">        content right </div>

For the print style sheet, client wanted to remove the left column, but keep the middle and right column, so the print shows two columns.

If I have all ids (except the left column that is declared display:none) floated left, the right column in Safari floated to the left , placed above the middle column. Right column floated right aslo get the same result in Safari

If only #middle and #right are floated and no special treatment for #outer and #inner, then Safari, Firefox and Opera respect the columns but in Firefox, the logo which is placed outside the #outer wrap, stays in page 1, and the #middle and #right columns jump directly to page 2, with a empty page 3. In IE (floated elements are used), the right column is missing.

I am not going to worry the IE at this moment yet ( I understand I can use Conditional comment for print style sheet too?!!!!), but want to know if there is a way I can make the logo and the middle/right columns stay in one page in Firefox. Obviously I can't declare display:none for #outer and #inner.



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