I would create a css solution, with some unobtrusive javascript to enhance the functionality (such as to make it follow the mouse, animate in/out, etc.) Even then if the user has IE5 with JS turned off clicking the image could always take them to an enlarged view.

I would make a link positioned relative and then place a span or something in the link that will have position absolute and display none, then on a:hover it could have display block. So you would have a basic enlargement, from there you could use js to replace your basic css driven enlargement with something a little more fancy.

Nick Roper wrote:

A client would like functionality similar to that used on istockphoto.com - i.e. that a 'popup' window is displayed with a larger image and some text when the user hovers over a thumbnail image. e.g.

Can I do this with CSS in a standards-compliant and works cross-browser way? Any pointers or references to example code gratefully received.



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