One of the first requirements of accessibility is use a doctype with valid
code.  Their site is full of coding errors and I can't believe that it has
been created by any web designer (possibly a graphic designer? ;-).

As you suggest, it could well be that they are using "some kind of monster
CMS which their current staff are unable to make changes to".

That said, they should be prosecuted just for their response alone (to the
requests to amend their site),i.e.

"Target is committed to serving all of our guests and we believe that our
Web site is fully accessible and complies with all applicable laws,"

Stuart Foulstone.
BigEasy Web Design
69 Flockton Court
Rockingham Street
S1 4EB

Tel. 07751 413451

On Mon, October 8, 2007 2:09 am, John Horner wrote:
> Let's say there's a big store called, er, Tegrat.
> They have complaints about their website not being accessible, which
> have gone on for some time and are now the subject of legal action.
> We, the people on this list, know that it's not technically difficult,
> and shouldn't be time-consuming or expensive.
> Does anyone have any idea why don't they just ... fix the problem?
>  * Are they holding out some kind of right-wing, "government shouldn't
> interfere, ever, in anything" philosophy?
>  * Have they subcontracted the website to a third party with whom
> they're on bad terms?
>  * Have they got some kind of monster CMS which their current staff are
> unable to make changes to?
>  * Do they somehow believe, mistakenly, that it will cost millions?
> No matter whether you *believe* legislation should force businesses to
> fix the site, businesses normally like to appear well-meaning and
> helpful and compliant with such issues and interest groups, because
> they're so concerned with their public image.
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