Hi there,
I have some questions for an assignment that I can't figure out. If anyone 
could be of assistance that would be much appreciated.
1)Which instruction will change the background colour of an element?
A   document.getElementById("t").backgroundColor = "yellow" 
B  document.getElementById("t").bgcolor = "yellow" 
C  document.getElementById("t").style.backgroundColor = "yellow" 
D  document.getElementById("t").style.color = "yellow"
Which are the valid 'for' statement(s) 
A  for x = 1 to 10 
B  for(x=0; x<10; x++) 
C  for(x=0, y=10; x<10; x++, y--) 
D  for(x=0, x<10, x++)
Which are the INCORRECT math equations 
A  a =+ 20; 
B  a = a + 20; 
C  a = 20 / 4; 
D  a++; 
E  a != 30; 
F  a =* 4; 
G  a = 3;
Which are the preferred methods to use when Javascript has been disabled ?
A  <noscript></noscript> 
B  <a href="#" onCick=myFunction();">Show Page</a> 
C  <a href="page1.htm">Show Page</a> 
D  <a href="page1.htm" onCick=myFunction();">Show Page</a>
An array can be initialised by 
A  var a = new Array("ab","b","c");
B  var a = ["a","b","c"]; 
C  var a = ("a","b","c"); 
D  var a = a["a","b","c"];
When you tab into a form control (i.e. a textbox) what event is executed 
A  onMouseOut 
B  onClick 
C  onBlur 
D  onFocus
What syntax is needed to initalise a Regular Expression 
A  var re = RegExp(); 
B  var re = new RegExp(); 
C  var re = regexp; 
D  var re = new regexp();
What does the following function dofunction 
x(y){document.getElementById(y).style.display;a = (z=='block') ? 'none' : 
A  hide or shows a div tag 
B  hide or shows an element 
C  hide or shows a paragraph 
D  hide or show a table
Which cross browser (but not W3C DOM compliant instructions) can be used to 
find the Height and Width of an object on a web page A  clientWidth, 
B  scrollWidth, scrollHeight 
C  scrollTop, scrollLeft 
D  offsetWidth, offsetHeight
If Javascript has been disabled by the user then 
A  inline scripting will still work 
B  only mouse events will still work 
C  AJAX will still be useable 
D  no scripts will be executed
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