Hello Web Standards Group,

I don't contribute to this list as much as I should do. But, I wanted
to let you all know about an event that I am co-organising.

It is SemanticCamp London. Its a BarCamp style event for people who
use or are just interested in Semantic Web technology and meaningful
data on the web. It will be at Imperial College, London, UK on the
16th and 17th February 2008.

If you wish to turn up it is important that you sign-up as soon as you
can (space is very limited, and there is a lot of interest). Sign-up
can be done at this website:

Many thanks,

Daniel Lewis
* Technology Evangelist at OpenLink Software
* Personal Blog: http://vanirsystems.com/danielsblog/
* OpenLink Software: http://www.openlinksw.com/

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