He all!

I have been searching the net for rumors and facts about E4X implementations. This is what I've found:

Mozilla (Spidermonkey and Rhino) support E4X today - and has been doing it for a while!

Adobe does too.

So does (already/soon?) MbedThis. At least they are 100% committed.

        "The E4X standard adds some XML-related features to the
        JavaScript language. We should consider adding these to the
        JavaScriptCore engine."


My interpretation: Positive attitude, but no commitment.


I can not find an official quote, but rumours on the web says they are committed, as in "Only Mozilla and Opera have committed just to E4x"
"I know Opera have E4X in the works at some level"


No info available, AFAIK. If it goes into webkit, I presume a backport would be feasible. (Or perhaps the rumors about merging with Webkit are true...)

iCab seems to be on board as well:

Which in summary says that only MS are clearly unwilling to implement this feature. We may get it through ScreamingMonkey, though.

My questions:

1. Are there any clear indications from the developers of these browser engines (or their internal ECMAScript engines) that I've missed?

2. Will E4X on MSIE in fact be facilitated through ScreamingMonkey?

3. When do you predict that we can really start using E4X and expect it to work for most visitors to our websites?

Lars Gunther

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