Ross Bruniges skrev:
the abbr and acronym elements have extra value
in the fact that a screen reader will say
out each letter opposed to trying to pronounce the word.

Here is how I understand the difference between an acronym and other abbreviations:

Acronyms should *not* be spelled as, but spoken like a word, as in "NATO", "AIDS" or "Benelux".

Initialisms are very similar, except that the individual letters should be pronounced separately, as in FBI or HTML.

Some abbreviations should be replaced with other words completely when spoken. Like "e.g." = "for example" or "i.e." = "that is", or perhaps "ROTFL".

Ergo: Screen readers should not spell out the contents of an *acronym* element, but should spell out the content of *some* abbreviations.

In an ideal world, screen readers should be programmed to recognize common abbreviations and speak naturally when they encounter one.

In an ideal world screen readers should know when to apply media types (screen, tv, projection, speech, braille, etc) and media groups (contunuos/paged, visual/audio/speech/tactile, interactive/static)

In the real world they do not and we have to compromise. This is a beautiful(?) vision only:

@media audio {
    abbr, acronym {
        speak: normal;
    abbr.replace {
        content: attr(title);
    abbr.initialism {
        speak: spell-out;

"Aural", <abbr class="replace" title="by the way">BTW</abbr>, is <abbr>CSS</abbr> 2.0, not 2.1.

Lars Gunther

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