
Are we agreed that the back button *should* take one to the previous page?

I use an internal web application (it's a helpdesk issue tracking
system...not developed by me) where they developers have hijacked/messed
with that back button functionality so I cannot use the back button to get
back where I was before I entered the internal web app....rather the
internal web app page re-renders itself.

The developers of the internal web app are not keen on
un-hijacking/un-messing with the back button processing.

A compromise...I thought...would be a button in the page saying, for example
"Return" (or leave or abandon or exit or something TBA)...that would take
the user back to the page they were on *before* the entered the internal web

To accomplish the compromise the web app will need to know/determine what
the prior page to the web app was...



On Jan 18, 2008 2:24 PM, Simon Cockayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am on a webpage...how do I know what page the browser was previously
> showing.
> I think Javascript History object is the ticket...but STRICT mode in
> Firefox seems to tell me that I don't have permission to access it.
> NOTE: I don't want to use the History object to go back or forward...I
> just want to know what the previous page was...so I can create a button to
> go back to it...
> Cheers,
> Simon

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