>>It is the best solution they can come up with that won't destroy
everything that has been created in the past. Adding one line of code to
each of your pages is a lot more cost effective and time saving then all
of the hacks we currently have to do to get it to display properly in
IE6 and IE7.


But by this argument, you seem to think that we would no longer have to
support IE6 or 7 and not have to spend the time putting hacks in. These
browsers will still be around for a long time... Perhaps not so much IE7
but certainly IE6 due to older OS not being able to update.

My development plan will stay the same aside from having another browser
to check:

Code site in Firefox
Check in Opera, Safari, PLUS IE8 (standards mode)
Hack IE7 fixes
Hack IE6 fixes

Or alternatively I let IE8 act like IE7 and don't bother using an
updated engine as an updated engine. The only difference between now and
then in the above plan is that I would check IE8 standards mode and hope
that it renders the same as firefox, safari and other standards based
browsers. I may be missing something, but I really don't see where the
less work comes in for anyone who is coding to standards. For those who
have been churning out badly coded sites that "don't work properly in
firefox/opera/etc" and have always been coding for IE it is a blessing.
It is not so much about 'not breaking the web', as not breaking the
sites already breaking the web.


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