Matt Fellows wrote:
What John is saying is that AJAX is JavaScript yes, but it can also make calls to the server (using the XMLHttpRequest object) thus it validates using server-side technologies such as PHP.
What you describe is what AJAX actually is; however, the term is often misused to include any action or change to the page which doesn't include a page refresh. Whether it's drag-and-drop, or popping up an error message (especially without a JavaScript alert box), that's AJAX, or at least according to most clients. It was my impression that Tee was making that error. So, whether the validation done before leaving the page was done client-side or server-side via (true) AJAX is irrelevant. What is most important is that the data is validated AFTER YOU LEAVE THE PAGE, even if it was already validated before.
But what is misleading is that validation using AJAX can be disabled quite easily simply by disabling JavaScript rendering a nice big security hole.
Even with JavaScript working perfectly, it's child's play to send whatever garbage (or worse) you want to the server. For example, there's a Firefox add-on, Tamper Data, which allows you to intercept and modify all calls to the server. So the issue of whether or not JavaScript is enabled is irrelevant to that "nice big security hole."
That is where the true server-side validation must double-check.
And that's my bottom line.

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