Hi Chris

Thought I'd let you know - I looked at your web page and the first two
examples, when I clicked on the link, didn't work for me at all! No extra
paragraph appearing (or disappearing!) and no time change. I'm on a Mac
using Firefox ...

It sounds good - I'd like to access a version that works ... :)


On 26/2/08 8:16 PM, "Chris Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've written a small set of helper functions that will allow you to
> unobtrusively add JavaScript to a web page. It's built on the back off the
> prototype library so you'll need that as well. See the details here:
> http://www.stillbreathing.co.uk/projects/performer/performer.html
> A couple of examples. 1) If you want to create a toggling element you can do
> this:
>   <p><a href="#" class="togger" rel="toggleelement">Toggle the visibility of
> the "toggleelement" element</a></p>
>   <div class="hider" id="toggleelement">This element will be toggleable (is
> that a word?)</div>
> The "hider" class on the toggleable element will hide the element only if JS
> is enabled, so if it's not the element will never be hidden. Of course you can
> add additional classes both to the link and the toggleable element, and you
> can set the "href" attribute of the link to whatever you want".
> 2) Loading remote content into an element (known as AJAX)
>   <p><a href="#" class="loader" rel="targetelement" rev="targetpage.php">Load
> content</a></p>
>   <p id="targetelement">Target element</p>
> When the link with class "loader" is clicked the element with the id
> "targetelement" will be filled with the content from the "targetpage.php"
> page.
> If anyone needs any more information please get in touch.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Ray Leventhal
> Sent: 25 February 2008 20:20
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: Re: [WSG] re: generate data
> tee wrote:
>> Hi, I really enjoyed reading this thread, especially the responses from
>> Georg and Breton, and thank you Dwain for asking the question.
>> I have heard a lot about unobtrusive js but thus far it's more like a
>> buzzword to me because I understand no JS.
>> Can one recommend which JS library is more accessibility user-friendly
>> (is there such word?!). I know the jquery, mootool, prototype, Dojo,
>> Extjs, YUI libraries, and have recently used the jquery for accordion
>> menu  and prototype for glider (sliding gallery like the one in
>> Panic.com), but I don't know enough to settle for one that is relatively
>> small size and unobtrusive. Everybody claims he is unobtrusive, and I
>> have difficulty to settle down with one.
>> Thanks!
> Hi tee,
> An interesting thread indeed.
> I can't recommend any JS libraries as I'm only now cutting my teeth on
> JS, but I can wholeheartedly recommend a book on JS which focuses on
> graceful degradation and manipulation of the DOM:
> DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model
>   by Jeremy Keith
> HTH,
> -Ray
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