On Sat, 8 Mar 2008 16:11:53 -0800, tee wrote:
> Anybody knows about this? The robots text is good for search robots, 
> but I read from somewhere, that robots text no longer is needed when 
> Google Sitemap is implemented for the site. 

For Google bots, there are some elements of Google Sitemaps that 
interact with the robots.txt file.
No other bots have access to Google Sitemaps info.
You still want a robot.txt file even if you are using Google Sitemaps

> I didn't know robots text 
> was important for accessibility, however I learned from the 
> accessites team that it is.

Umm... no - you (or someone) has mixed up robots.txt with something 
else (not sure what!)
robots.txt is generally used to tell bots where they can't go.
People who benefit from high accessability in a site are not bots! :)

I can't think of *any* overlap between accessability and robots.txt
True statement: 'if it is accessible then a bot will be able to crawl 
it well' (a general rule, anyway)
False statement: 'if you block a bot with robots.txt then the site is 
not accessible'


Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems
Brisbane, Australia

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