Hello All -

I've been reading a book by Andy Clarke which has a few pages related to

He uses the example of marking up an address tag similar to the below using
classes (note that br's are mine for formatting):

<span class="street">101 Some Street, </span>
<span class="subdivision">Some Sub division</span><br />
<span class="city">Alameda, </span>
<span class="state">California, </span>
<span class="postal">94501</span><br />
<span class="country">United States of America</span>

But. what if you want to include a person's name (or a business name) ABOVE
the address tag? The only thing that comes immediately to mind would be
<cite>John Smith</cite> but that doesn't seem correct. Or, should one use an
additional span above the address block like this: <span
class="contactName">John Smith</span>?

So the whole thing might look like this:

<span class="contactName">John Smith</span>
<span class="street">101 Some Street, </span>
<span class="subdivision">Some Sub division</span><br />
<span class="city">Alameda, </span>
<span class="state">California, </span>
<span class="postal">94501</span><br />
<span class="country">United States of America</span>

Interested in all opinions as well as if there is any current "standard"
which addresses this particular issue. 


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