To pipe in extremely late on the matter - aside from it's deprecation
from XHTML Strict, forcing users to open links in new windows
introduces a host of usability problems. Including breaking the users
expectations, taking away user control and of course the infamous
breaking of the back button!

We all have no problems understanding what is going on when a site
opens a page in a new window. This is not the case for the average
user. To understand how severe the problem is, it is as simple as
asking one of your grandparents to navigate to the page, click on the
link that opens in a new window and ask them to go back to where they
came from. Then watch them struggle. They simply don't grasp the

Of course if your web page/site is targeted to users who can
understand this and requires frames and or the use of target for
whatever reason, then  it's simple. If you want your code to validate,
as Hassan Schroeder mentioned choose the correct doctype and your on
your way!



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