On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:56 AM, Ca Phun Ung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Brown wrote:
> >
> > Rachel May wrote:
> >
> > > I created the PNGs in Photoshop (CS3) and just wondering if there are
> any better tools or ways of saving the PNGs for smaller file size, while
> still retaining their high quality??
> > >
> >
> > http://www.ignite-it.co.uk/
> >
> > Best. Graphics. Optimiser. PlugIn.
> >
> >
>  I use PNGGauntlet as an after process to optimize those PNGs.
>  http://brh.numbera.com/software/pnggauntlet/
>  Unfortunately it only supports Windows.

The Gimp (graphics editor) has PngCrush built into its save routine.
You could also run PngCrush separately, I guess, but I never have
because I always use The Gimp.

Also, PngQuant runs on *nix boxes (and Windows?) and allows you to
reduce the palette size of PNGs. Save a PNG as indexed and then tell
PngQuant to rerender the PNG with a fixed palette size (up to 256
entries, I think) and it will dither any colors that don't fit in the
palette. You can try with different palette sizes to see what tradeoff
of size/quality works for you.


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