
What we need more information about is how the colour red can affect
> readability.  I have done research, and I know about the w3c colour contrast
> algorithm.  I've also had a look at the psychology of the different colours
> and that red is associated with anger and intensity.

I used to work on a site that had a red/white/black corporate look and I can
sympathise :) I suspect that actually you know all the reasons why not to
use red in certain ways, but you're being outvoted by a client.

I'd keep fighting for certain basics - your colours must at least comply
with the W3C contrast rules (if you're not already using it, grab the CCA to
make that easier -

I'm sure there is research out there for everything else; but you could try
a different tack and run some usability tests with real live users. Get ten
people to test drive your designs and see if anyone finds the colours
confronting. There's no research as relevant as your own :)

Anecdotally, a key thing to avoid is primary red #f00 - it's just too
bright. Also especially avoid using red on white (or reverse) for blocks of
text, people often describe the result as it "vibrates" and that's prime
territory for headaches; particularly for anyone who's photosensitive.


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--- The future has arrived; it's just not
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