
I hope this isn't too off topic, but I thought you'd be interested to know that Opera launched Opera Dragonfly today - our new developer tools.

This release is an early alpha to show the direction we are moving with our developer tools. This initial version will include a JavaScript Debugger, a DOM Inspector, CSS Inspector, Error Console and a Command Line.

An upcoming version will also support editing of CSS/DOM/JavaScript, a single window mode and XHR/HTTP Headers inspection. The first of these updates should come in alpha 2 in a few weeks.

Opera Dragonfly is built using Web technologies (XML, CSS and JavaScript) and will auto-update when a new version is released. We hope these will come out at a fairly rapid pace to begin with. The application will run in a persistent cache, so that it is accessible when offline, and so that it doesn't have to communicate with the Opera server, except when it updates.

Opera Dragonfly will support all browsers that include the Core-2.1 rendering engine (except Opera Mini). This currently includes Opera 9.5 beta 2 and the forthcoming Opera Mobile 9.5 release. A proxy exists that allows Opera Dragonfly on the desktop to communicate with Opera on supported mobiles and devices. This makes debugging on devices easier as you can use a regular keyboard, mouse and monitor.

To start Opera Dragonfly in Opera 9.5 beta 2 you can select Tools > Advanced > Developer Tools. On Mac we've found a bug whereby OS X's video memory gets corrupted, causing a crash. To avoid this you should use the new build available at http://snapshot.opera.com/mac/o950s_4808.dmg , which works around this problem.

We'd very much appreciate your feedback on Opera Dragonfly, to make sure it fits the needs of the developer community. If you find time to test and use Opera Dragonfly, feel free to contact me with your suggestions, feature requests and bug reports. We really hope that it helps you when debugging issues in Opera, even at this early stage.


David Storey
Chief Web Opener | Product Manager Web Standards | Product Manager Opera Dragonfly


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