G'day all,

Just a quick 'heads up' on Firefox 3 rendering compared with Firefox 2 rendering.

If you 'self-close' a script element in the head, the validators will not pick it up as a problem
- is is well formed xml (element is self-closed) and
- it is validly placed (correctly placed within the 'head')

Most browsers will render this OK, BUT Firefox 3 WILL NOT.
It just renders the page with nothing on it. :-(

All the pages that I detected this issue were xhtml 1.0 strict, without xml declarations, served up as 'text/html'. [ Do not have time to experiment at present - up to the eyebrows in marking. ]

Just thought I would pass it on, as it is worth a quick search of your webpage coding to see if you have this issue.

BTW, as a Uni lecturer in Internet Technologies / Web Development I have seen lots of html coding problems / validation problems when students do things like close 'img' or 'input' elements and validators do not pick it up - but have not detected any problems with the script element before.

Browsers are usually tooooo forgiving of sloppy code and will render just about anything, but this is an interesting change.


Ken McInnes
Adjuct Teaching Fellow
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology
P O Box 218
Hawthorn,  Victoria    3122

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