On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:37:06 -0400, Jason Pruim wrote:
> Good Morning everyone!
> I have a client that wants me to write his navigation mostly as a picture and 
> then use
> image maps to get to the actual links.
> I am wondering, how would I go about convincing my client that this isn't the 
> best way
> to do it? I personally think that some nice text links, styled properly with 
> CSS would
> look just as good if not better then image maps.

Off the top of my head, I'd suggest adding a subsidiary list of text
links in addition to the "image map". I do agree an actual image map
would be a step backward. Here is one alternative:


Stuart Robertson wrote, in that December 2003 article:
"I thought about image maps. They were horribly outdated"

As some replies have suggested, there are more techniques that are
fairly accessible under a variety of conditions.

Should you decide to make the attempt to satisfy your client, perhaps
you could return here with a mock-up and a description of what you
want to achieve? I feel sure we could help, given a specific problem
to tackle.

Good luck with your efforts.


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