Simon wrote:
Hi all,

I really want to get stuck in and learn Javascript properly, and by this I
mean not filling my page with onclick and sending hrefs to #. But instead
abstracting it all into the .js file and keeping my markup clean.

I've followed the book by Jeremy Keith called DOM Scripting which teaches
just that but it only goes so far. Everywhere else I look seems to have all
the old school techniques which I want to shy away from.

Does anyone have any resources?

Bulletproof Ajax by Jeremy Keith.

When you say it 'only goes so far', what is it that you want to know but are not fining in DOM Scripting?

I recommend caution when using Javascript:

You have to remember not only is it yet another thing to download, which is an issue in terms of speed (extra HTTP calls and file size -> download time) but it can also hamper accessibility (although not necessarily) and slow the browser down.

Note on Safari on a mobile device (either iPod Touch or iPhone). Far too heavy on the Javascript and ruins the site really. If they took back the Javascript and made the site lighter, it would run smoothly on these mobile devices.

You need to really justify each bit of Javascript. Library are all well and good, but again, are something extra to download, and sometimes at 100KB, can you really justify it?

It's a trade-off on what you want to do and how useful it is, but put the user first - is it in their interest?

(Who recommends caution in most areas)

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