On Behalf Of Brett Patterson
> Sent: 24 October 2008 02:25
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: Re: [WSG] JavaScript clarification please
> Oh, most definitely agreed. Sorry if I started an argument, I only
wanted to know 
> what it was. I don't know if it is just me, but this topic seems to be
> controversial. Thank you all for answering.

Actually, I think you have stumbled upon one of the keys to this issue:
it is controversial amongst people who are not familiar with the
language. Most of the confusion comes from people who are experts in PHP
or C++, and who believe that makes them expert in OO, or indeed
University Lecturers that are proficient in neither.

If you ask people who are truly expert with JavaScript, they will all
tell you that it _is_  Object-Oriented, not least because it is entirely
object-based: the first rule of JavaScript is: "Everything is an object.
A function is an object, a string is an object, and an array is an

As others have said, most other OO languages implement class-based
inheritance, often as a result of their linear underpinnings. People who
are used to this approach, then go through some horrible kludges to
simulate this unnecessarily in JavaScript apps, and then complain that
the results are horrible. Prototype-based inheritance is a very
different beast, and one that is much better suited to the way that
JavaScript is supposed to be used.

Final point of confusion:  the library called 'Prototype'. Stupid name -
never used a languages reserved word for anything: it is reserved for a
good reason, but is now better known than object.prototype itself!


Mike Brockington
Web Development Specialist


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