

I feel that you have hit one of the Big Problems, and perhaps many feel 
overwhelmed at its breadth (as do I - I've been pondering it for a few days).


Others may have differing views and experiences, but a lack of governance and 
adherence to standards may be a symptom of corporate immaturity, political 
power struggles or, unfortunately, ignorance. 


Other contributing factors may be;

•      AGIMO’s “suggestions” for best practice not being mandated and

•      ongoing costs for bespoke development and maintenance of usability, 
accessibility, corporate branding and systems interoperability.


If effectively empowered within the organisation, Information Management should 
be promoting an integrated, compliant and best practice information 
environment. It may be an appropriate department to be engaged in this – 
sitting in the policy area between the executive, auditing, marketing or IT.


I hope this gives some food for thought,


Peter Hislop

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Andrew R 
  Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 4:13 PM
  Subject: [WSG] Web governance

  I realise the list is very much about nuts and bolt of standards. So this 
might not be the right place for this posting and might be deemed to be ‘off 
topic’. If it is please ignore!


  I work in a large (lumbering) Australian federal government agency. My 
colleges in the web publishing section see developing standards compliant web 
sites as normal professional practice. However, some other parts of the 
organisation, mainly ‘traditional’ developers in the IT section, simply don’t 
get it. The outcome of this is some of the organisation’s web based 
applications are riddled with problems caused by poor coding practices. These 
manifest themselves as accessibility issues, difficulties with cross browser 
compatibility, and significant bottle necks applying updates to branding and 
presentation. The problems are steadily growing as the organisation builds more 
and more web interfaces to various applications and systems.


  To date the web section has taken the approach of trying to work with the 
developers in the IT area to help them understand the techniques and benefits 
web standards. However, this has been problematic because there is a lack of 
more formal mechanisms to enforce compliances.


  This brings me on to my question for the group. I’m currently looking for web 
channel governance models suitable for applying in a large public sector 
organisation that is moving towards significant delivery of services on-line. 
Can anyone give me some pointers, do have something that works in your 
organsiation, etc?


  The few models that I have found are geared at managing inter/intra net sites 
with a strong emphasis on managing content publishing and how this is used as a 
communication/marketing tool. For example 
This approach tends to place the Marketing sections as the owner and avoids 
engagement with an organisation’s IT area.  The problem is online services 
delivery is much bigger then the traditional ‘communications’ business 
activities, they cut across many parts of the organisation and require complex 
integration with other systems. 






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