well vallidated my html and it passed the vallidation.
got three errors in css.
not sure why, how do i fix them.
and instead of the style for text, tried using a id to refrence that in the 
style sheet, but said no duplication of the id tag, so did not want the 
style = "text / say in my id class under neath one of my headings.
so how do i fix the css?
cheers Marvin.
ps: will paste below.

got these three errors.
but cannot seem to fix them.
can you help.
cheers Marvin.

 CSS Validation Service
W3C CSS Validator results for 
file://localhost/C:\DOCS\MarvinsWebsite\styles.css (CSS level 2.1)

Jump to: Errors (3) Validated CSS
W3C CSS Validator results for 
file://localhost/C:\DOCS\MarvinsWebsite\styles.css (CSS level 2.1)
Sorry! We found the following errors (3)
URI : file://localhost/C:\DOCS\MarvinsWebsite\styles.css
6 div header  Lexical error at line 5, column 2. Encountered: "i" (105), 
after : "<" id="Borg; width: 400px; margin: 1% auto;"> }
10 div site_links  Lexical error at line 9, column 2. Encountered: "i" 
(105), after : "<" id="menu margin: 0 0 1% 0;"> }
14 div nav  Lexical error at line 13, column 3. Encountered: "i" (105), 
after : "<" id="menu_other margin: 5% 0 1% 0;"> }

? Top

Valid CSS information
* {
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
border : 0;
a:link {
font-style : normal;
font-weight : normal;
color : #0f0;
background-color : transparent;
text-decoration : none;
a:visited {
font-style : normal;
font-weight : normal;
color : #68aa68;
background-color : transparent;
text-decoration : none;
a:hover {
font-style : normal;
font-weight : normal;
color : #000;
background-color : #006800;
background-color : #0f0;
text-decoration : none;
a:active {
font-style : normal;
font-weight : normal;
color : #ff0;
background-color : transparent;
text-decoration : none;
body {
margin : 1%;
font-family : Trebuchet, Verdana, "Lucida Sans", sans-serif;
font-size : 1.25em;
font-style : normal;
font-weight : normal;
text-decoration : none;
color : #fff;
background : #000 url(images/bg_stars.jpg) no-repeat center 0%;
div.block {
width : 700px;
margin : 5% auto;
text-align : justify;
#clock {
color : #007878;
div#lus {
font-size : 0.6em;
.episode {
color : #006868;
#feedback {
width : 38.24%;
margin : 0 auto;
border : 0 solid #700;
#footer {
margin : 5% 0;
text-align : center;
color : #007878;
h1, h2, h3 {
font-family : Trebuchet, Verdana, "Lucida Sans", sans-serif;
font-weight : bold;
text-align : center;
color : #25b7f8;
#menulinks {
float : right;
width : 330px;
margin : 1% 5px 1% 0;
background : url(images/bg_stars.gif) repeat-y scroll;
p {
margin : 1% 0;
#star-trek {
list-style-type : none;
margin : 5% 0 1% 4%;
table {
text-align : left;
th {
font-weight : bold;
text-align : left;
tr {
text-align : left;
td {
text-align : left;
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