On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis <
bhawkesle...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 13/5/09 04:32, Rebecca Cox wrote:
>> I'm wondering if its possible to embed Flash into HTML, using only HTML
>> (no javascript) and for this to be keyboard accessible (HTML and Flash
>> content usable by keyboard, no keyboard trap problems, for say A-grade
>> list at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/gbs/)
>> Test page: http://reb.net.nz/greed/index2.html
>> Seems to be fine in IE, but in Firefox you cannot get keyboard focus
>> onto the Flash without using the mouse.
> I suspect http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-1219 is why you can't move
> focus into the Flash without the keyboard.
> The more usual problem in Firefox is not being able to move focus /out/ of
> the Flash object.
>  Just spotted
>> http://blogs.adobe.com/accessibility/2009/04/firefox_focus_and_actual_links_1.htmlbut
>> this sounds as if it relies on the actionscript within the Flash itself
>> being written in a particular way, and possibly on the javascript used
>> to embed the flash into the HTML page.
> Interesting, hadn't seen that before.
> I'm not sure the technique is dependent on how you embed it, but it does
> look dependent on the JS DOM focus() method to move focus out of the Flash
> object.
> So I'd suggest the answer to your wondering is no. :(
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
Thanks. With a bit more tinkering (removing seamlesstabbing attribute and
adding tabindex) I can get the focus into (but not out of) the Flash


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