I have a stripped down example of it here. The bug only occurs in IE
7, and possibly ie6, and it occurs in IE8 running in compatibility
mode. I cannot be sure whether it happens in IE8 in IE8 mode or not.
(MS have made the compatibility mode interface so bloody complex I
can't figure out whether I'm in it or not at any given time).

The example is here:


On that page, you will see an italic letter v on the left hand side of
the screen, and a "view cart" link on the right hand side which is NOT
clickable, but which should be clickable.

The ingredients of this bug appear to be:
* a left floated element followed by
* an italic styled element nested directly inside a p tag, which are
both preceded by
* a "menu" with links that are floated to the right

Combine these things together, and the right hand side of the screen
becomes unclickable. (you can have a huge column of links on the right
hand side, and they're all useless). What really bothers me about this
one, is that the spell is mysteriously broken (the bug goes away) if
you change this:

<P><span>v </span></P>

to this:

<P><span>v </span>&nbsp;</P>

Just what on earth is going on here?

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