<quote who="Andrew Cunningham">
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

> There are important differences between "meta
> http-equiv='content-language'" and "lang" and "xml:lang" attributes
> the "lang" and "xml:lang" attributes can only contain a single language

But describe the element they apply to and its children unless another
lang is specified.

<p lang="en-us">Her choice of color, left a certain <span lang="fr">je ne
sais quoi</span></p>

> "meta http-equiv='content-language'" can contain a list of languages

Which are the natural languages of the intended audience, which are not
always the same as the languages used in the document.

If we go back to the earlier example, even though it is written in
American English, it is intended for all English speakers, and despite
having a splash of French in the text, it isn't the version intended for
French speakers.

Content-Language: en

<p lang="en-us">Her choice of color, left a certain <span lang="fr">je ne
sais quoi</span></p>

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