ピエール・アンリ・ラヴィン wrote:
> I don't understand the following issue with Opera:
> Let's set a container to 4000px, and children elements to 12.5%
> 4000px / 12.5 = 320px.
> But for Opera,
>  * 12.5px => 12px : I can understand
>  * 12.5% => 12% : I don't understand

I can only say that this is an old issue with Opera, still present in
beta versions of Opera 10: it simply ignores the fractional part in
percentages used as width.
In the past Opera had even worse "approximation" problems, see [1].
Now most of these are fixed, but percentage widths are still "stepped"
[2], and borders expressed in em still have a crazy behavior [3].

Best regards,

[1] http://brunildo.org/test/emarg.pl
[2] http://brunildo.org/test/percwidth2.pl
[3] http://brunildo.org/test/embord.pl

Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test

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