From: "Nancy Johnson" <>
I have a question on Expandable menus. I am working on a rather large
site, which html and CSS were delivered along with some minimal
jquery.  Our task is to put a Vignette CMS behind it and am working
with Vignette Developers.

There is a vertical left-hand navigation the only the CSS was
delivered. The Vignette Developer wants a javascript expandable and
collapse menu so when he adds the Vignette portlets, it will
automatically expand and contract at will. It also needs to be 508

He would like to use an accordion collapsible menu which he has, but I
wanted to try to find an expandable/collapsible menu.

I found
but this one needs to onclick to expand and another onclick to
contract.  He needs it to automatically contract when the focus is
removed.  It uses a toggle. I am not strong enough in JS to make

Any suggestions?  Has anyone used an accordion expandable menu for the
left hand navigation?

I always hate to post examples of our stuff here because it's not free, but perhaps this will give you some ideas - or perhaps you can ask jQuery's author if similar functionality can be had with his free script:

Then again, I also could have misread exactly what you want.

Al Sparber - PVII
Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
An Accessible & Elegant Accordion

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